Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Personal Favorite at the Moment: Fake Rescues!

I had the "pleasure" of meeting with a woman that owns a "rescue" near where I live. What I saw there still hurts my eyes to think about. The lady had just spent $20,000 on 50 + some odd weanlings to "save them from slaughter." I commend people who do this - when they have a lot fo space to put them on!! Space is what this woman does not have - she puts around 75 horses on 5 acres of land... you heard me right - 5 ACRES OF LAND. 75 HORSES. You do the math. The mare that I was "looking at to buy" (my excuse to go look at this place) was a nice enough mare - once you caught her and had a halter and a 20' lead on her. The weanlings? 50 of them crowded on about 2 acres of land. None of them halterbroke or anything, just running around, trying to avoid being caught.
But that's not it. Ooooh, no why would it be? She has a Fugly stallion for sale/stud. The reason behind him being a stallion? He's a palomino. Sure, he has some half decent lines, but what does that matter when he's barely halterbroke and ugly?? Here he is:

I had to email her to ask!
My Email:
Hi Mandy,
I have a question: why do you have a stallion for sale? If you are a true Rescue, you would have had this guy gelded the instant he hit your property, and maybe not bred your mares? There are way too many unwanted foals out there, why make more? It seems backwards. Why keep him a stallion? He looks like he'd make a good gelding, and you might sell him faster. I'd be more than happy to hear any reasoning to this.
Thought I'd give my two cents. Most Rescues I know would never sell a stallion, and usually have no breeding clauses on the mares, and gelding contracts on any colts they sell.

Her response:
Okay well first thing I have to say is my own bred babies will only go to show homes or stay untill they are under saddle, I dont over bred this stud we have here was purche=aced for the broodmares that are rescued how do you find a home for a wild brood mare that isnt bred! The michelle centre thet is regd not for profit breeds horses all the time and he keeps the foals and trys to breck them befor they are sold. I wish there was more people that went to the auctions and have seen the thing that I have seen look how many paint farms are out there and quarter horse farms that just dich there foal at auction I would never do that to our babies. All I do is try to help these foals a little. Im sorry but I only have 5 acres so where can I put these not bred broodmares to stay for the rest of there life at least when in foal they find a home and the people love them and keep them because they had a foal for them. I just try to help these horses.

My comments:
- Learn to spell.
- This "stud" shouldn't be bred in the first place, he's just creating more ugly worthless babies..
- "how do you find a home for a wild brood mare that isnt bred!" - umm.. you halterbreak her and sell her to a nice forever home never to be bred again. That's what. You don't breed her just 'cause she's a broodmare! And she's probably a "broodmare" because that's the ONLY thing she's ever been in her life, an ugly mare popping out worthless babies.
- "I only have 5 acres so where can I put these not bred broodmares to stay for the rest of there life at least when in foal they find a home and the people love them and keep them because they had a foal for them." - If you have 5 acres, you should have 1, maybe 2 horses. Not 70.
- "michelle centre thet is regd not for profit breeds horses all the time and he keeps the foals and trys to breck them befor they are sold." First off, it's The Mitchell Centre, and if he has his own mares that aren't rescues, fine, breed them. At least he halter breaks them (not breks) and gets them saddle broke before he sells them. You, useless "rescue" lady, can barely ride, much less "breck" a horse.

Okay, I'm done ranting.. for now.



Endurance_Rider said...

WOW!! 70 horses to five acres!!! Is she stupid or just stupid?!?! Jesus christ!!
I think there is one thing that can be said about that... RSPCA!!

quixotesoxs said...

She is an idiot! That is terrible.

rockydq said...

Glad I am not the only person that thinks this place is a bunch of BS. "It's really a shame this guy does not have papers but any one looking for colt that will put color into any mare if bred he will only give you Palominos and Buckskins." Just what the world needs, more people breeding for color...If she was sincerely touched by her sights at the auction, then you'd think she would try her best to keep more horses from heading there. I am still trying to figure out how they are getting folks to buy their $100 foals from an auction, who may or may not be halter broke for $700+gst!