Thursday, February 14, 2008


So I have to rant a little about my new job.. I took on this mare to train and I have a few rants to make about it... any comments and help of how to deal with these problems would be great!

- The people that own the property that the owner boards at only feed the horses (on a fairly decent sized property) once a week - I think they feed 1 round bale per week, which the horses devour within a few days. (Since the horses are in their "winter fuzzies" it's hard to tell if they've got the correct weight on. They don't look terrible, but that could just be because I can't get close enough to any of the others that I'm not training to check their ribs)
- There are a few pregnant mares on the property which is fenced in with.. you guessed it - wire! Not barbed wire, but just your good ol' plain wire... can we say dangerous to foals?
- Some of the bridles in the "tack room" are hung up by their bits/romels.... is it just me, or does this indicate a lack of knowledge about tack?

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